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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2011Notes on Gentianella tarapacana (Gilg) T.N.Ho & S.W.Liu (Gentianaceae), endemic to the Chilean AltiplanoPfanzelt, Simon; García, Carolina
2016-06Assessing the services of high mountain wetlands in tropical Andes: A case study of Caripe wetlands at Bolivian AltiplanoGandarillas, Vanessa; Jiang, Yong; Irvine, Kenneth
2013Macro y mesoclimas del altiplano andino y desierto de Atacama: desafíos y estrategias de adaptación social ante su variabilidadRomero Aravena, Hugo; Smith Guerra, Pamela; Mendonça, Magaly; Méndez Díaz, Manuel
2015Microbial diversity and trophic components of two high altitude wetlands of the Chilean AltiplanoScott, Sergio; Dorador, Cristina; Oyanedel, Juan Pablo; Tobar, Ignacio; Hengst, Martha; Maya, Giannina; Harrod, Chris; Vila, Irma
2016-12Characterization and variability of the prokaryotic community in sediments from Salar de Lagunilla, northern ChileMedina Armijo, Cristy; Moraga Mamani, Rubén
2017-10Comparative population genetics of two dominant plant species of high Andean wetlands reveals complex evolutionary histories and conservation perspectives in Chile’s Norte ChicoTroncoso, Alejandra; Bertin, Angéline; Osorio, Rodomiro; Arancio, Gina; Gouin, Nicolas
2017-05The effects of area and habitat heterogeneity on bird richness and composition in high elevation wetlands (“bofedales”) of the central Andes of PeruServat, Grace; Alcocer, Renzo; Larico, Melvi; Olarte, Magaly; Linares Palomino, Reynaldo; Alonso, Alfonso; Ledesma, Karim
2016-06Cuencas endorreicas y humedales altoandinosContreras Leiva, Manuel
2018-06The activity of nitrifying microorganisms in a high-altitude Andean wetlandMolina, Verónica; Dorador, Cristina; Fernández, Camila; Bristow, Laura; Eissler, Yoanna; Hengst, Martha; Hernández, Klaudia; Mork Olsen, Lasse; Harrod, Chris; Marchant, Francisca