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Resultados 1-10 de 21.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2002Protección legal de los humedales altoandinos (vegas y bofedales) en ChileAlegría Calvo, María Angélica; Lillo Zenteno, Adrián
2014-11Using internet search behavior to assess public awareness of protected wetlandsDo, Yuno; Kim, Ji Yoon; Lineman, Maurice; Kim, Dong-Kyun; Joo, Gea-Jae
1993Santuario de la Naturaleza Río Cruces (X Región de Chile): Proposiciones para un prospectusMuñoz Pedreros, Andrés; Godoy, Cecilia; Olivares, Luis; Möller, Patricia
2010Abundancia y distribución espacial de scolecolepides Uncinatus Blake, 1983 (polychaeta: spionidae) y características sedimentologicas en Bahía Lomas, Tierra del Fuego, Chile.Cañete, Juan; Astorga, María; Santana, Mario; Palacios, Mauricio
2006Why wetlands?Schnack, Juan
2013-01Current state of knowledge regarding the world’s wetlands and their future under global climate change: A synthesisJunk, Wolfgang; An, Shuqing; Finlayson, Max; Gopal, Brij; Květ, Jan; Mitchell, Stephen; Mitsch, William; Robarts, Richard
2013-01Current state of knowledge regarding South America wetlands and their future under global climate changeJunk, Wolfgang
2013-04Trophic interactions of the endangered Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) in a Chilean Ramsar wetland inferred from prey sampling, fecal analysis, and stable isotopesFranco, Marcela; Guevara, Giovany; Correa, Loreto; Soto Gamboa, Mauricio
2004-12Neotropical wetlands: Building links among wetland scientistsGottgens, J. F.; Fortney, R. H.
2017-10-24Impacts of microhabitat changes on wintering waterbird populationsZou, Ye-Ai; Pan, Bai-Han; Zhang, Hong; Zhang, Ping-Yang; Yao, Yi; Xiang-Kui, Liu