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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017-07-02Predicting vascular plant diversity in anthropogenic peatlands: comparison of modeling methods with free satellite dataCastillo Riffart, Iván; Galleguillos Torres, Mauricio; Lopatin, Javier; Pérez Quezada, Jorge
2013-04Monitoring Andean high altitude wetlands in central Chile with seasonal optical data: A comparison between Worldview-2 and Sentinel-2 imageryAraya López, Rocío; Lopatin, Javier; Fassnacht, Fabian; Hernández, Jaime
2016-01-13Birds of two oceans? Trans-Andean and divergent migration of Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger cinerascens) from the peruvian AmazonDavenport, Lisa; Goodenough, Katharine; Haugaasen, Torbjørn
2016How much carbon is stored in deserts? An approach for the chilean Atacama Desert using landsat-8 productsHernández Palma, Héctor Jaime; Acuña, Tomás; Reyes, P.; Torres Gómez, Marcela; Figueroa, Eugenio
2013-02Interannual changes in the habitat area of the black-necked swan, Cygnus melancoryphus, in the Carlos Anwandter Sanctuary, southern Chile: a remote sensing approachDelgado, Luisa; Marín, Víctor
2015-12Evaluation of impacts of management in an anthropogenic peatland using field and remote sensing dataCabezas, Julián; Galleguillos Torres, Mauricio; Fuentes Espoz, Juan; Pérez, Cecilia; Pérez Quezada, Jorge
2016-06Cuencas endorreicas y humedales altoandinosContreras Leiva, Manuel
2016-05Predicting vascular plant richness in a heterogeneous wetland using spectral and textural features and a random forest algorithmCabezas, Julián; Galleguillos Torres, Mauricio; Pérez Quezada, Jorge