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2016-06Differential effect of manganese on the germination of Triglochin striata (Juncaginaceae) and Cotula coronopifolia (Asteraceae) in Laguna de Carrizal Bajo wetland, Atacama Region, ChileGuerrero Leiva, Nicole; Ortiz Calderón, Claudia; Castro, Sergio
2013-02Experimental evidence of the tolerance to chlorate of the aquatic macrophyte Egeria densa in a Ramsar wetland in southern ChilePalma, Álvaro; Schwarz, Alex; Fariña, José Miguel
2013-09The fate of α-pinene in sediments of a wetland polluted by bleached pulp mill effluent: is it a new clue on the “Carlos Anwandter” Nature Sanctuary wetland case, Valdivia, south of Chile?Palma Fleming, Hernán; Foitzick Martínez, Magaly Evelyn; Palma Larrea, Ximena; Quiroz Reyes, Eduardo
2013Do subtoxic levels of chlorate influence the desiccation tolerance of Egeria densa?Palma, Álvaro; Schwarz, Alex; Henríquez, Luis; Álvarez Moraga, Ximena; Fariña, José Miguel; Lu, Qimiao
2014Regime shifts of Cruces River wetland ecosystem: current conditions, future uncertaintiesMarín, Víctor; Delgado, Luisa; Vila, Irma; Tironi, Antonio; Barrera, Vilma; Ibáñez, Carlos
2010-01Analytical and chemometric characterization of the Cruces River in South ChileSchaefer, Kristin; Einax, Jürgen
2018-07Recovery of black-necked swans, macrophytes and water quality in a Ramsar wetland of southern Chile: Assessing resilience following sudden anthropogenic disturbancesJaramillo, Eduardo; Lagos Suárez, Nelson; Labra, Fabio; Paredes, Enrique; Acuña, Emilio; Melnick, Daniel; Manzano, Mario; Velásquez, Carlos; Duarte, Cristian
2019-03Resilience of an aquatic macrophyte to an anthropogenically induced environmental stressor in a Ramsar wetland of southern ChileJaramillo, Eduardo; Duarte, Cristian; Labra, Fabio; Lagos Suárez, Nelson; Peruzzo Leischner, Bruno; Silva Riveros, Ricardo; Velásquez, Carlos; Manzano, Mario; Melnick, Daniel