Ciencias Naturales y Aplicadas

Artículos de revistas científicas nacionales e internacionales.

Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 378
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017-06Identification of wetland areas in the context of agricultural development using Remote Sensing and GISAnaya Acevedo, Jesús Adolfo; Escobar Martínez, John Fernando; Massone, Héctor; Booman, Gisel; Quiroz Londoño, Orlando Mauricio; Cañón Barriga, César Camilo; Montoya Jaramillo, Luis Javier; Palomino Ángel, Sebastián
2018Ciencia ciudadana: Principios herramientas proyectos de Medio AmbienteFundación Ciencia Ciudadana; Embajada de Canadá
2006Why wetlands?Schnack, Juan
2011Caracterización hidroquímica del complejo de humedales El Yali, Chile CentralVidal-Abarca Gutiérrez, María Rosario; Suárez, María Luisa; Figueroa, Ricardo; Enríquez, Mariela; García García, Victoria; Domínguez, Carmen; Arce, María Isabel
2003Aspectos metodológicos para evaluar la calidad ambiental de los humedalesOrtega, Manuel; Martínez, Francisco; Padilla, Francisco
2007Breeding behavior of the coscoroba Swan (coscoroba coscoroba) in el Yali Wetland, Central ChileSilva García, Celeste; Brewer, Gwenda
2017-05Ecosystem sentinels for climate change? Evidence of wetland cover changes over the last 30 years in the tropical AndesDangles, Olivier; Rabatel, Antoine; Kraemer, Martin; Zeballos, Gabriel; Soruco, Álvaro; Jacobsen, Dean; Anthelme, Fabien
2016-08Chilean wetlands: Biodiversity, endemism, and conservation challengesFigueroa, Alejandra; Contreras Leiva, Manuel; Saavedra, Bárbara; Espoz, Carmen
1999-10Ecological issues related to wetland preservation, restoration, creation and assessmentWhigham, Dennis
2000-10Progress in wetland restoration ecologyZedler, Joy
2013-04Trophic interactions of the endangered Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) in a Chilean Ramsar wetland inferred from prey sampling, fecal analysis, and stable isotopesFranco, Marcela; Guevara, Giovany; Correa, Loreto; Soto Gamboa, Mauricio
2017-05Field survey of the 2015 Chile tsunami with emphasis on coastal wetland and conservation areasContreras López, Manuel; Winckler Grez, Patricio; Sepúlveda, Ignacio; Andaur Álvarez, Adolfo; Cortés Molina, Fernanda; Guerrero, Camila; Mizobe, Cyntia; Igualt, Felipe; Breuer, Wolfgang; Beyá, José; Vergara, Hernán; Figueroa Sterquel, Rodrigo
2013-02Experimental evidence of the tolerance to chlorate of the aquatic macrophyte Egeria densa in a Ramsar wetland in southern ChilePalma, Álvaro; Schwarz, Alex; Fariña, José Miguel
2004-12Neotropical wetlands: New instruments in ecosystem managementLoiselle, Steven; Bastianoni, Simone; Bracchini, Luca; Rossi, Claudio
2004-12Landsat TM inventory and assessment of waterbird habitat in the southern altiplano of South AmericaBoyle, Terence; Caziani, Sandra; Waltermire, Robert
2017-08Potential effects of projected decrease in annual rainfall on spatial distribution of high andean wetlands in southern PeruOtto, Marco; Gibbons, Richard
2017-05The effects of area and habitat heterogeneity on bird richness and composition in high elevation wetlands (“bofedales”) of the central Andes of PeruServat, Grace; Alcocer, Renzo; Larico, Melvi; Olarte, Magaly; Linares Palomino, Reynaldo; Alonso, Alfonso; Ledesma, Karim
2017-02Wetland ecosystem services and the Ramsar Convention: An assessment of needsMcInnes, Robert; Simpson, Matthew; López, Beatriz; Hawkins, Robbie; Shore, Robert
2010-12Approaching wetland valuation in CanadaGustavson, Kent; Kennedy, Elizabeth
2004-06Efficiency of a constructed wetland in removing contaminants from stormwaterBirch, Gavin; Matthai, Carsten; Fazeli, Mohammad; Yul Suh, Jeong
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 378